But only share my pic xxix

This old money from Indonesia xixixi. This money save in my pocket nearly 5 years . Woa very long I don't use because I know it will rare ones someday. And my feeling came true
The value of them are 500 rupiahs and 100 rupiahs. Indonesia use it between 1992 until last 2000. Now the ones is not famous because in Indonesia prefer use Coin money caused very simple to use.
I only have two old money from Indonesia, Picture in 500 rupaihs is " Orang Utan " yes like monkey but not monkey like general. The logo use for dedicate people in Indonesia that Orang Utan is rare animals in the world you only find them on Indonesia specially on Kalimantan's Island aka Borneo.
And the other one Picture are Kapal Pinisih from Sulawesi sometimes people in Indonesia Bugis's Ship. Long years ago Indonesia very famous with the Marine , Indonesia Marine famous till India, Arab, little Europe, etc. The logo Picture dedicate for " The Legend Sailor."