There were dozens of prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the Messiah. Some of these passages may not have been recognized as predictive when they were written, such as the ones that say He would be a Nazarene (see Matt. 2:23 ) or that He would flee to Egypt (see v. 15 ). But other passages can only make sense if they refer to Messiah God. In this latter category, here are a few of me most significant prophecies which Christ fulfilled, and the New Testament passage showing that completion.
1. Born of a woman ( Gen. 3:15 ; Gal. 4:4 )2. Born of a virgin ( Isa. 7:14 ; Matt. 1:21ff )
3. He would be “cut off” 483 years after the declaration to reconstruct the temple in 444 B.C. ( Dan. 9:24) (see Harold W. Hoehner’s Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ, pp. 115–138)
4. Of the seed of Abraham ( Gen. 12:1–3 ; 22:18 ; Matt. 1:1 , Gal. 3:16 )
5. Of the tribe ofJudah ( Gen. 49:10 ; Luke 3:23 , 33 ; Heb. 7:14 )
6. Of the house of David ( 2 Sam. 7:12ff ; Matt. 1:1 )
7. Born in Bethlehem ( Micah 5:2 ; Matt. 2:1 ; Luke 2:4–7 )
8. Anointed by the Holy Spirit ( Isa. 11:2 ; Matt. 3:16–17 )
9. Heralded by the messenger of the Lord (John the Baptist) ( Isa. 40:3 ; Mal. 3:1 ;
Matt. 3:1–2 )
Matt. 3:1–2 )
10. Would perform miracles ( Isa. 35:5–6 ; Matt. 9:35 )
11. Would cleanse the temple ( Mal. 3:1 ; Matt. 21:12ff )
12. Rejected by Jews ( Ps. 118:22 ; 1 Peter 2:7 )
13. Die a humiliating death ( Ps. 22 ; Isa. 53 ) involving:
- Rejection ( Isa. 53:3 ; John 1:10–11 ; 7:5 , 48 )
- Silence before His accusers ( Isa. 53:7 ; Matt. 27:12–19 )
- Being mocked ( Ps. 22:7–8 ; Matt. 27:31 )
- Piercing His hands and feet ( Ps. 22:16 ; Luke 23:33 )
- Being crucified with thieves ( Isa. 53:12 ; Matt. 27:38 )
- Praying for His persecutors ( Isa. 53:12 ; Luke 23:43 )
- Piercing His side ( Zech. 12:10 ; John 19:34 )
- Buried in a rich man’s tomb ( Isa. 53:9 ; Matt. 27:57–60 )
- Casting lots for His garments ( Ps. 22:18 ; John 19:23–24 )
14. Would rise from the dead ( Ps. 16:10 ; Mark 16:6 ; Acts 2:31 )
15. Ascend into heaven ( Ps. 68:18 ; Acts 1:9 )
16. Would sit down at the right hand of God ( Ps. 110:1 ; Heb. 1:3 )
It is important to understand that these prophecies were written hundreds of years before Christ was born. No one could have been reading the signs of the times or just making intelligent guesses, like the “prophecies” we see in the check–out line at the supermarket. Even the most liberal critics admit that the prophetic books were completed some 400 years before Christ, and the Book of Daniel by about 167 B.C. Though there is good evidence to date most of these books much earlier (some of the psalms and earlier
prophets were in the eighth and ninth centuries B.C. ), what difference would it make? It is just as hard to predict an event 200 years in the future as it is to predict one that is 800 years in the future. Both feats would require nothing less than divine knowledge. Even using the later dates, the fulfillment of these prophecies is just as miraculous and points to the divine confirmation of Jesus as the Messiah.
prophets were in the eighth and ninth centuries B.C. ), what difference would it make? It is just as hard to predict an event 200 years in the future as it is to predict one that is 800 years in the future. Both feats would require nothing less than divine knowledge. Even using the later dates, the fulfillment of these prophecies is just as miraculous and points to the divine confirmation of Jesus as the Messiah.